All information on Cycling Around The World is based on bike trips made by Paul van Roekel and Anja de Graaf. We started this site in June 1997. Almost all information is in English. You can use Google Translate to translate the content to any other language. Cycling Around The World is 100% non-commercial, so you cannot book hotels or bike trips.

Crossing the equator in Uganda
About the authors
Cycling Around the World was made and is maintained by Paul van Roekel and Anja de Graaf, who live in the Netherlands. We are two cycling enthusiasts. We once made a two year around half-the-world trip and by now we traveled through more than 55 countries by bicycle.
For foreign visitors to their home country Paul and Anja run a separate website on cycling in the Netherlands.
You’re are also invited to follow our travelblog (in Dutch only).
Blog newsletter
You can subscribe to our newsletter by email. We will send you blog updates while we are travelling. At this moment our blogposts are in Dutch only but Google Translate is available :-).
YouTube channel
Subscribe to our Youtube channel to get a notification whenever a new video is posted.
Any questions left? You can contact us:
by e-mail: paul [at] cyclingaroundtheworld [dot] nl
Facebook: Paul on Facebook and Anja on Facebook.

On the Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia